Showing posts with label Webcams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Webcams. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Recent updates

From the Cape Breton Living website

Hello 2014… Cheers to a brand new year folks!  What better time to tell you about a couple recent changes done on the Cape Breton Living website. First, on the Photo of the Week page, the last 3 week’s photos were added and are conveniently posted below the current Photo of the Week. So if you missed the last week’s photo or just wish to see them again, they are right there just a click away. 
Another change to the website is the URL you type in the address bar. The correct address is , If you find yourself using other URLs like “vhost1…” or “stpeterscable…”, you might then be re-directed or end up on a page that doesn’t exist. Best thing to do is go to and once on the website, you may bookmark it for future reference.
One more thing, it’s not exactly new, but on the Webcam pages and the Photo of the Week page, there’s a comment box for you to share your thoughts with other viewers. The next time you visit the website and you have time to spare, we’d love to hear from you!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today on the Cams

After a week-end of snow, freezing rain, rain, high wind and fluctuating temperatures it is nice to see the sun trying to warm up and brighten our day.  Today's forecast from Environment Canada for L'Ardoise calls for a mix of sun and cloud with 60 percent chance of flurries this morning. Becoming clear late this afternoon. Wind west 40 km/h gusting to 70. Temperature steady near minus 9.
If you're ever wondering about the weather on Cape Breton Island, check out the Cape Breton Living website where you can view other webcams across  the island. Keep warm and those that need to travel the roads, please practice safe driving!

Friday, August 31, 2012

East view camera is back up!

Here it is once again, the east view webcam is back up on the Cape Breton Living website. It's been a few months since the east view camera was last seen on the website, but the west view camera has been faithfully keeping updated  shots 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Remember that if you would like to see the webcams in a slightly larger image, click on the link to streaming camera or on the image itself and it will bring you to a page where the image is larger and refreshes automatically every 5 seconds.  So enjoy the views and hope you come back often to check out what the weather might bring in this part of the world, on the south east shore of Cape Breton Island!  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011